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  • Bosnien und Herzegowina, Gornja Tuzla
  • geo:44.557465,18.765261
  • Lage unsicher

Period or year:

  • -8800 / -2000


  • Bäuerliche Siedlung
  • Unsichtbar


  • vici:place=41990


Es gibt noch keine deutschsprachige Anmerkungen. Präsentiert wirden Anmerkungen auf English.

Gornja Tuzla settlement apeared during the period of Starčevo culture in Middle Neolithic. Later was occupied by the Late Neolithic Vinča culture, and later was inherited by people of  Eneolithic cultures.


Dženan Brigić, Gornja Tuzla – Neolithic Settlement of Northern Bosnia, 2016 -

Gornja Tuzla settlement apeared during the period of Starčevo culture in Middle Neolithic. Later was occupied by the Late Neolithic Vinča culture, and later was inherited by people of  Eneolithic cultures.


Dženan Brigić, Gornja Tuzla – Neolithic Settlement of Northern Bosnia, 2016 -

In der Nähe

Salinae (5 km)

De naam Salinae verwijst naar de zoutwaterbronnen van de stad.

Tuzla - Archaeological park ‘’Sojenicko naselje’’ (6 km)

Reconstruction of the Neolithic settlement with stilt houses dated to