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SerapeionSerapeionSerapeum of MiletusThe Faustina Baths, MiletusFaustina baths, CaldariumFaustina baths, FrigidariumFaustina bathsMeanderSt. Michael Basilica in MiletusSt. Michael Basilica in MiletusSt. Michael Basilica in MiletusSt. Michael Basilica in MiletusSt. Michael Basilica in MiletusSt. Michael Basilica in MiletusSt. Michael Basilica in MiletusSt. Michael Basilica in MiletusHeroon 1Heroon 1Greek Theatre, MiletusThe Greek Theatre, MiletusBouleuterion courtyard & AltarBouleuterionOverall viewAgora and stoaSouth agora gate (in situ) remainsTheaterSouth Gate Miletus AgoraTheater of MiletusHarbour Monument - 67bce or 31bce.The Ionic Stoa on the Sacred Way, Miletus


  • Türkiye, Balat
  • geo:37.528992,27.276907
  • Location ± 0-5 m.


  • Building (other)
  • visible


  • vici:place=24171



  1. Ekrem Akurgal, Ancient Civilisations and Ruins of Turkey: From Prehistoric Times until the end of the Roman Turkish Historical Society Press, Ankara 1970, pp. 206-222

Relevant museums

Pergamon Museum in Berlin

Houses original-sized, reconstructed monumental buildings such as the Market Gate of Miletus.


Prytaneion of Miletus

Administrative building at Miletus.

Serapeion of Miletus

Hellenistic temple of Serapis

Faustina Thermen Miletus

Faustina Thermen Miletus

This object was added by Elżbieta on 2016-01-09. Last update by Elżbieta on 2016-12-28. Persistent URI: . Download as RDF/XML, GeoJSON, KML.
Annotation available using the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported license. Metadata available using the Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication, unless it is explicitly stated otherwise. partners: articles on ancient history   Rijksmuseum van Oudheden