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Ebla, Remains of wooden carvings from furnitureEbla, Amorite stratumRemains of EblaRemains of EblaEbla, Jug from theroyal  palace GEbla, Fotograph of archive with tablets at placeRemains of EblaRemains of EblaEbla, Remains of a kitchenEbla, PotteryEbla, Remains of throneroomRemains of EblaEbla, Ceramic Aer of a pot, men-shapedEbla, Remains of throneroomRemains of EblaEbla, Remains of a kitchenEbla, TellEbla, Pot with lid with lionsEbla, Remains of throneroomRemains of EblaEbla, Remains of a kitchenEbla, Cylinder Seal with printEbla, Remains of throneroomRemains of EblaEbla, Remains of a kitchenEbla, Remains of Amorite GateEbla, Tablet with cuneiformEbla, Remains of throneroomRemains of EblaEbla, Remains of a kitchen


  • Syrian Arab Republic, Mardīkh
  • geo:35.798866,36.798763
  • Location ± 0-5 m.


  • Castle
  • visible


  • vici:place=21311


  1. Joan Aruz, Ronald Wallenfels, Art of the First Cities: The Third Millennium B.C. from the Mediterranean to the Indus, New Metropolitan Museum of Art, 2003, p.165nn
  2. Paolo Matthiae, Rbla. Recent Excavation Results and the Continuity of Syrian Arts in: Cultures in Contact: From Mesopotamia to the Mediterranean in the Second Millennium B.C, Cultures in Contact: From Mesopotamia to the Mediterranean in the Second Millennium B.C. 2013, p. 96-111

Relevant museums

Aleppo, National Museum

Large collection of Bronze Age (a/o Ebla, Mari, Ugarit), Iron Age (Arslan Tash), Hellenistic, and Roman finds.


Ebla - Tell Mardikh

Also Elbe. Town was founded in the early Bronze Age ca. 3500 BC.

Ebla Temple of Shamash

Tell Mardikh. Temple N.

This object was added by Elżbieta on 2015-07-14. Last update by Elżbieta on 2016-11-03. Persistent URI: . Download as RDF/XML, GeoJSON, KML.
Annotation available using the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported license. Metadata available using the Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication, unless it is explicitly stated otherwise. partners: articles on ancient history   Rijksmuseum van Oudheden