
Le pont Serme à CoursanLe pont Serme à CoursanLe pont Serme à CoursanLe pont Serme à CoursanEnsérune, Roman workshopEnsérune, View from the cityEnsérune, CisternEnsérune, View from the cityEnsérune, CisternEnséruneEnsérune, Enterred doliaEnsérune, Remains of a Roman house with the columnEnsérune, View from the cityEnsérune, City wall, second faseEnsérune, ArchEnsérune, GranaryEnsérune, DoliaEnsérune, Dolia in granaryEnsérune, View from the cityEnsérune, SlopeEnsérune, City wallEnsérune, Remains of Roman housesEnsérune, Attic krater, hoplite fighting with AmazonEnsérune, Remains of a houseNarbonne-Lombarde, Remains of thermenNarbonne-Lombarde, Remains of baptistery of the basilicaNarbonne-Lombarde, House of a geniusNarbonne-Lombarde, Well near baptistery of basilicaNarbonne-Lombarde, Workshop lead drainSäule


  • France, Coursan
  • geo:43.260551,3.045505
  • Location ± 0-5 m.


  • Road
  • visible


  • vici:place=19165


There is no English annotation yet. Presented is an annotation in French.

Via Domitia

Via Domitia


Pont Serme

Pont Serme

Via Domitia (5 km)

Via Domitia

Roman Rd (7 km)

Roman Rd

This object was added by olivier herbinet on 2014-08-16. Last update by Geert De Baets on 2023-05-03. Persistent URI: . Download as RDF/XML, GeoJSON, KML.
Annotation available using the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported license. Metadata available using the Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication, unless it is explicitly stated otherwise.
Line tracing by olivier herbinet. partners: articles on ancient history   Rijksmuseum van Oudheden