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Haltwhistle Burn Temporary CampsAltar of the 4th Cohort, century of Claudius CleonicusMilecastle 42, Cawfields, Hadrian's WallBuilding stone of a work by XX Valeria VictrixCawfields Temporary CampBurnhead Temporary CampMarkham CottageChesters Pike Temporary CampChesters Pike Temporary CampTherme von Great-ChestersMilecastle 43 FortMilestone HouseKastellareal Aesica (Great Chesters)Tile with Inscription (Latin) Cohors II AsturumDetail of tile with Inscription (Latin) Cohors II AsturumaesicaaesicaaesicaAesica AqueductSunny Rigg Temporary CampsTurret 43A (Cockmount Hill)borne réutiliséeMilecastle 44 (Allolee)Turret 44A (Allolee West)Fell End Temporary CampTurret 44bRoman Wall at Walltown cragsRoman Wall at Walltown cragsRoman Wall at Walltown cragsRoman Wall at Walltown crags


  • United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Haltwhistle
  • geo:54.993252,-2.449506
  • Location ± 25-100 m.


  • Watchtower
  • invisible



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Milecastle 42 (Cawfields)

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This object was added by René Voorburg on 2012-05-29. Last update by Randal Gilbert on 2016-06-05. Persistent URI: . Download as RDF/XML, GeoJSON, KML.
Annotation available using the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported license. Metadata available using the Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication, unless it is explicitly stated otherwise. partners: articles on ancient history   Rijksmuseum van Oudheden